2019学年度北师大版Unit20Lesson1 Section Ⅱ Artificial Intelligence 学案设计
2019学年度北师大版Unit20Lesson1  Section Ⅱ Artificial Intelligence 学案设计第1页

2019学年度北师大版Unit20Lesson1 Section Ⅱ Artificial Intelligence 学案设计


  1.When hearing the fire alarm, the audience rushed to the nearest emergency exit.

  2.Poor though they are, the women still donate a lot of money to the Red Cross every year.

  3.He promises me that he can cure (治愈) me but I still doubt him.

  4. Far away from each other, the two sisters correspond (通信) every week.

  5.His outspoken (坦率的) remarks made him an easy target for the other side.


  1.I was_coming (come) to see you when I ran (run) into my best friend, Tom.

  2.Looking (look) out of the window, I saw some students playing there.

  3.He went out and left the baby sleeping (sleep) in bed.

  4.Without solar radiation, animals and plants would_die (die).



  1.The monument was_dedicated_to the memory of the soldiers who had died there.

  2.Ordinary people such as you and I have wrestled_with these puzzles over the centuries.

  3.Single journey adult fares usually range_from D|S4 to D|S13 per trip depending on distances travelled.

  4.The child often turns_to his mother for comfort.

  5.I have corresponded_with a foreign friend and we write to each other once a month.

  6.Have you figured_out what's wrong with your car?



If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have a real dilemma on your hands. In just 100 years, the world changed