
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit4Sharing Period1Reading阅读学案设计


I am the third daughter in a family of five. I was born at Malden Hospital and was immediately sent to Floating Hospital in Boston. I had a hole in my heart and a low platelet count (血小板计数),which are common problems of people with TAR syndrome (综合征).I came home for a short stay after my birth and then went back and did not return home until just before Thanksgiving. My parents have told me that after I was born our family doctor had a very important conversation with them. He said,"You have two choices with your daughter. One is that you do everything for her now,in the future,and after you die;the other is that you do nothing." My parents picked the former.

I do not have a great many memories of my childhood but I do remember I spent the first ten years in and out of hospitals. I do remember I stayed in the Boston hospital until I was around 2 years old and then I went to Shriners. I guess few children can bear that.

I've grown up with great determination. I think that was a personality trait that I was born with and then my family developed that in me as I grew up. I had to deal with a lot of people making fun of me,staring at me,and pitying me. At a young age I realized that I could hide my pain with laughter. So I used that method when other children made fun of me and they stopped a lot faster than if I cried. Laughter was not the expected response so I guess they didn't feel it was fun to continue. There was emotional and physical pain. I required the aid of a walker until I was about five years old. I had about ten major operations before the age of ten. I had to relearn to walk several times. I think having TAR syndrome has made me a strong person physically and emotionally. Despite these difficulties and challenges,I have gone on to be awarded a Master's Degree and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (跆拳道),and I am now an inspirational speaker.

语篇解读 面对病痛及他人的嘲笑,作者以乐观的态度面对人生,并取得了一系列成就。

1.From the first paragraph,we can learn that________.

A.the writer's parents knew about her disease before she was born

B.the writer didn't go back home until she was two years old

C.the writer's parents found that they could do nothing for her

D.the writer's parents were brave enough to accept the cruel reality

解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段"...One is that you do everything for her now,in the future,and after you die;the other is that you do nothing." My parents picked the former.可知当作者的父母知道了她的病情后,还是选择为她做一切,由此判断他们勇敢地接受了残酷的现实,因此D项正确。


2.What was the writer's childhood like?

A.It was hopeless. B.It was hard for her.

C.It was quite enjoyable. D.It was fun.