2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修5 Module 6 高考试卷分块专练
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修5  Module 6  高考试卷分块专练第1页

必修5 Module 6 高考试卷分块专练



  Since 2012, Suy Senglim, a Cambodian (柬埔寨的) man, has used his love of photography for a good cause: protecting wildlife.

  As more and more animal species began to disappear, he grew worried.So he created a photo project, __1__ will bring more attention to the loss of natural habitat in Cambodia.

  Suy Senglim __2__ (careful) documents each species he photographs. He records the common name of each creature, its scientific name and identifying qualities, and whether or not the species is endangered.

  He hopes __3__ (educate) Cambodians about the importance of bird species and the effect that __4__ (develop) has on nature.

  The Giant Ibis is Cambodia's national bird.It __5__ (consider) endangered now, with its population decreasing every year.His photography work has shown him how lack __6__ education and law enforcement makes the problem worse.

  "Hunting is at the root of Cambodian culture," he said.But he notes that centuries ago, there were __7__ (many) animals and fewer people.Therefore, educating Cambodians about the need for saving wildlife resources __8__ (be) very important.

  Suy Senglim is working on a book on 100 bird species from among the 400 species he has photographed.He hopes to publish __9__ book in early 2018.He also looks forward to __10__ (influence) the new generation of nature­lovers in high schools and colleges.


  1.which 先行词为"a photo project",后面定语从句缺乏主语,所以用which引导。

  2.carefully 此处为副词修饰动词作状语。

  3.to educate hope to do sth."希望做某事"。

  4.development 空格处以及后面的部分是先行词effect的定语从句,而从句中又缺少主语,所以用develop的名词形式development。

5.is considered 主语it与consider之间存在被动关系,时态为一般现在时,主语为单数第三人称形式,所以用is considered。