2019-2020同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit & Reading) Word版含答案
2019-2020同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit & Reading) Word版含答案第1页

  Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit & Reading)




  1.My grandparents have become tired of urban (城市的)life.

  2.At last they were able to feel secure(有把握的)about the future.

  3.We should care more about the disabled (有残疾的) and give them as much help as we can.

  4.The famous director was working in the studio (工作室)when it began to rain.

  5.Can you telephone me at your convenience(方便) to arrange a meeting?

  6.Only by working hard and never giving up can we make our dream a reality.

  7.I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.

  8.Greatly disappointed at the result,he went away.

  9.Jack,Badly injured in the accident,finally learnt to live with his disability.

  10.I'm confident that you will get the job.



  1.present v.展现,展示→presentation n.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示

  2.real adj.真实的→really adv.事实上,真实地→reality n.现实,事实

  3.happy adj.快乐的→happily adv.快乐地→happiness n.幸福,快乐

  4.disappoint vt.使失望→ disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointment n.失望→disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的

  5.disable v.使丧失能力→disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的→disability n.无能