2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit3 Healthy life-reading教案 (2)
2018-2019学年度人教版选修六Unit3 Healthy life-reading教案 (2)第1页


课题 Book6 Unit3 A Healthy Life 课型 Warming up and reading 教学

目标 1. Improve the students' reading ability.   

2. Enable the students to learn how people usually get addicted to cigarette and how they can quit smoking.  


难点 Learn the bad effects of smoking and how to give advice on stopping smoking.  

Learn in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes.  教具

准备 A computer and blackboard 课时

安排 Two 教学过程与教学内容 教学方法、教学手段与学法、学情 Step 1: Greetings. Greet the students as usual.  

Step 2: Warming up  

1)What do you think is important in our life?

Happiness lies first of all in health.

2)What is a healthy person?

A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.

3) Show some pictures on the screen and get the students to answer the following questions:

1. What are they doing?  

2. Is activity healthy and which is unhealthy?

3. What should we do to keep healthy?

Step 3: Pre-reading    

2) Show more pictures on the screen and get them to tell what the harmful effects of smoking?

The leaves of lung turn black.

The teeth & fingers become yellow.

Smoking may cause air pollution.

The ends of cigarettes may cause fire.

It is a waste of money.

Step 4:Reading-Advice from Granddad 

Task1 Read the letter quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1  A. The reason for writing the letter.

Paragraph 2  B. Three causes to become addicted to cigarettes.

Paragraph 3  C. Granddad's hope and advice on stopping smoking.

Paragraph 4  D. The harmful effects of smoking.

Paragraph 5 E. Granddad's healthy life.

Task 2

1.Read the third paragraph and find out three different ways people can get addicted to cigarettes:

First, physically addicted to nicotine.

Secondly, automatically addicted through habit.

Finally, mentally addicted.

2. According to the fourth paragraph ,

①damage heart and lungs

②affect the health of non­smokers

③make smokers smell terrible

④strengthen smokers' mind.

A.①③④      B.①②④

C.②③④ D.①②③

Task 3 Glance at the second part of the text How can you stop smoking and find out suggestions to quit smoking

Prepare yourself.

Be determined.

Break the habit.


Get help if you need it.

Keep trying.

Task 4 Read the second part of the text carefully and fill in the blanks in the summary of stop smoking.

Choose a day that is not _______ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _______ you will get from stopping smoking. __________ all your cigarettes. ______ the list of benefits when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits to keep yourself ____. If you feel nervous or stressed, try some ________ exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a _____ or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or ______ for help. The most important is to keep _____. Don't feel _______ if you have a cigarette again. Just ___ again.

Suggested answers:

stressful benefits Throw away Reread busy

relaxation friend chemist trying ashamed try

Teaching methods:

discussion, group work, skimming and careful reading.