2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修1 Module 4 高考试卷分块专练
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语创新学案:必修1  Module 4  高考试卷分块专练第1页

  必修1 Module 4 高考试卷分块专练




  Dear Mary,

  It was so nice to read your letter the other day. I have always dreamed about having a pen friend. Hopefully, we can learn from each other and grow to be the very best of friends. It is my wish that our letters will let us get to know each other and share parts of our lives.

  Your horse Shannon sounds beautiful. I am very jealous (羡慕的) that you get to live on a farm. I cannot imagine how much fun it is to ride a horse through endless fields and I would love to come and visit you one day. Your siblings (兄弟姊妹) also sound lovely. I am an only child, so I can only imagine what it is like to have older brothers and sisters.

  Life in New York is so busy and it is difficult to find the time to get to know people. Even becoming close to my classmates has proved to be quite difficult over the years. However, at times it can be the most amazing city in the whole wide world. At night it is so bright and lively and the whole place is full of things to do.

  I love reading too! I have never read any books by your favorite author Enid Blyton though. I will have to go to my local library and find some. I also enjoy dancing and often enter competitions. My other favorite hobby is ice skating. In winter, I skate in Central Park. In the other seasons, I go to an indoor rink (溜冰场). I am hoping to start entering ice skating competitions next year.

  Anyway, I have to go now and do my homework. I really hope that I hear from you soon!

  Lots of love,



  1.What is mainly described in Paragraph 3?

  A.Mary's family.

  B.Megan's hobbies.

  C.Mary's life in New York.

  D.Megan's opinion of New York.

  解析:选D 段落大意题。梅甘在本段中主要谈论了自己对纽约这个城市的看法,故选D项。

2.How is Mary similar to Megan?