2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 1 A land od diversityPeriod3Learning about language学案(7页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 1 A land od diversityPeriod3Learning about language学案(7页word版)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 1 A land od diversityPeriod3Learning language学案

Ⅰ. 单句改错

1. That he really means is that he doesn't agree with us.


2. Before the sales start, I make a list of which my kids will need for the coming season.


3. The reason why he failed in the exam is because he was too careless.


4. The news which our team had won pleased everyone.


5. It is unknown that where we will have the meeting.


6. Could you tell me that was the way to the Science Museum?


7. I have been worrying about if I have hurt her feelings.


8. What he needs are enough time and what I need are enough books.


9. I'll make known to all that you were not honest.


10. My suggestion is that we will learn more words by heart.


Ⅱ. 用适当的连词填空

1. What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.

2. Experts believe that people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.

3. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell how close you may be to victory.

4. Whichever one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

5. It's good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we're away.

6. It remains to be seen whether the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice.

7. What struck me most in the movie was the father's deep love for his son.

8. From space, the earth looks blue. This is because about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.

9. After a day's exhausting climb we arrived at what we had been told was "Garden in the Air".

10. What is well known to everyone, I should say, is that a man becomes learned by asking questions.