2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修4学案:Unit4 4.2 一 Word版含解析
2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修4学案:Unit4 4.2 一 Word版含解析第1页

Period 2 文本研读课



  1.Have a good understanding of cultural differences and similarities in body language in different countries.

  2.Learn the key words and phrases by heart:represent,curious,approach,misunderstand,likely,in general,avoid.

  3.Learn to cooperate with others and develop the interest in learning about foreign cultures.


  Surf the Internet and learn more about body language.


  ➡Step 1 Read the warming up part and think about the questions:

  1.What are these people communicating?

  2.Can you think out other forms of body language?

  ➡Step 2 Learn the following words and expressions by heart and think about in what kind of situation we can use these words and expressions.

  represent curious approach misunderstand likely in general avoid


  1.Predicting for possible information

  Look at the title and predict what the passage is mainly about.


  2.Skimming for structures and main ideas

  How many parts are the passage divided into?Why do you divide the passage like this?






  3.Scanning for details

  Task 1:Read the passage again and do the following True or False questions.If the statement is false,how do you correct them?

  (1)Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.(  )

  (2)Most people around the world greet each other by kissing.(  )

  (3)Japanese will bow to others as greeting.(  )

  (4)People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.(  )

  Task 2:Complete the chart with information from the passage.

Name Country Body Language