2018-2019学年人教版高一英语必修三专题之 词句考点 学案:Unit2 Healthy eating
2018-2019学年人教版高一英语必修三专题之 词句考点 学案:Unit2 Healthy eating第1页


  be full of充满

  【巧记提示】 be(是)+full(满)+of(......的)

  【经典例句】 Jill is nearly mad because her bag is full of gold.


  【考点聚焦】 be full of,be filled with 和fill...with 的区别:

  be full of意为"充满......的,装满......的"(表状态);

  be filled with意为"装满......的"(既可表状态又可表动作);


  hurry by 匆匆走过

  【巧记提示】 hurry(匆忙)+by(经过)

  【经典例句】 I saw the man hurrying by,tried to stop him but failed.


  【考点聚焦】 1)与by相关短语:pass by 经过;go by (从......旁)走过,顺便走访;come by从旁走过;如:Let me by.让我过去。

  2)hurry一词与不同的副词搭配,表达的意思就会不同:hurry along催促......前往,赶往;hurry away匆匆离开;hurry on赶往,使顺利进行;hurry out of自......匆忙而去;hurry through匆匆完成;hurry up赶快,使赶快。

  be tired of对......厌烦

  【巧记提示】 be(是)+tired(厌烦的)+of(表对象)

  【经典例句】 I'm tired of the same food for breakfast every morning.


  【考点聚焦】 1)同义词组:be bored of对......厌烦;be sick of对......厌倦

  2)注意比较be tired of和be tired with/from,get tired of:

  be tired of是"对......厌烦";be tired from是"因......而感觉疲惫"。如:

  The little child was tired from walking so far.


  be tired of 强调状态,而get tired of更强调过程。如:

  I am getting tired after a long walk.经过长途跋涉,我觉得累了。

  throw away 扔掉,倒掉

  【巧记提示】 throw(扔)+off(离开)

  【经典例句】 Some students threw away their waste things before they left school. 有些学生在毕业前就把废物都扔掉了。

  【考点聚焦】 反义词组:put away 把......收好;储存,储蓄。如:

  The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品在橱里放好。



  throw out否决;不接受

throw over放弃;跟(某人)吹了