【巅峰突破】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三学案:Module 2 Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Preparing
【巅峰突破】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三学案:Module 2 Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Preparing第1页

Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries


  Developing country is a term generally used to describe a nation with a low level of material well­being.The development of a country is measured with statistical indexes such as per capita income,life expectancy,the rate of literacy,etc.Since no single definition of the term developed country is recognized internationally, the levels of development may vary widely within so­called developing countries.Some developing countries have high average standards of living.

  Countries with more advanced economies than other developing nations, but which have not yet fully demonstrated the signs of a developed country, are categorized under the term newly industrialized countries.

  The World Bank classifies countries into four income groups and classifies all low and middle income countries as developing countries.

  Low income countries have GNI per capita of $975 or less.

  Lower middle income countries have GNI per capita between $976 and $3,855.

  Upper middle income countries have GNI per capita between $3,856 and $11,905.

  High income countries have GNI per capita above $11,906.


  1.statistical adj. 统计的

  2.per capita income 人均收入

3.literacy n. 读写能力