2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三学案之Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note:基础过关 Word版含解析
2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三学案之Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note:基础过关 Word版含解析第1页

I. 完成句子。

1. Though he is very rich he is always in r    .

2. They shouldn't treat their mother in a rude m    . They should respect her.

3. As a child, you are not p     to smoke.

4. Mary listened to his long story with p    .

5. D     is the sweet food served after the main course of a meal.

6. The explorer told the boys about his     (冒险) in the Arctic.

7. The boy was     (漫步) around.

8. I had thought it was a terrible film. On the     (正相反), it was exciting.

9. I want to see him now     (确实).

10. Her excuse for being late was totally     (难以置信的).

II. 用宾语从句或表语从句完成句子。

1. I wonder          (这块手表花了多少钱).

2. Mary is          (害怕有人可能认出她).

3. Why the explosion occurred was          (实验室老师粗心).

4. I doubt          (是否他会来).

5. - Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr Wang?

 - Well, I forgot         (我该去哪一间教室).

6. Excuse me, would you please tell me          (运动会什么时候举行)?

7.                (你认为他去哪里了)?

8. He didn't know          (他们住在哪里).

9. The little boy ate          (无论他母亲给他什么).

10. The city is no longer          (原来的样子).

III. 单项填空。                   

1. Many American students believe that their best effort should earn them good grades,      their test answers and essays turn out.

 A. no matter how B. whatever C. no matter what D. whichever

2. When you keep your promise, no matter how much effort it takes, you will be     .

A. spotted B. surrounded C. admired D.