2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修3创新教案:Unit 8 Section 3
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修3创新教案:Unit 8 Section 3第1页






  1.cheerful  a.the ability to continue doing something for a long time without losing interest, especially something difficult

  2.distant b.something that you want to do very much, usually something that is difficult to


  3.function c.something that you hope to achieve

  4.patience d.behaving in a happy friendly way

  5.ambition e.far away from the place where you are

  6.goal f.to work or operate in the correct or normal way

  7.shock g.without hope

  8.hopeless h.if something bad and unexpected shocks someone, they are very surprised or upset by it

  答案:1.d 2.e 3.f 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.h 8.g


  9.preparation n.准备,预备→prepare v.准备,筹备

  10.hopeless adj.没有希望的→hope v.& n.希望,期望→hopeful adj.怀有希望的,有希望的

  11.cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的→cheerfully adv.高兴地cheer v.& n.欢呼,喝彩

  12.distant adj.远处的,久远的→distance n.距离;远处,远方

  13.sadness n.悲哀,忧伤→sad adj.难过的,悲伤的→sadly adv.伤心地

  14.aim n.目标,目的→aimless adj.无目标的,无目的的→aimlessly adv.无目标地

  15.patience n.耐心,忍耐力→patient adj.忍耐的n.病人

  16.nation n.国家→nationality n.国籍→national adj.国家的


  1.on one's way   在途中

2.break down 损坏,不能运转