浙江省台州市书生中学高一上学期英语必修一学案:Unit 4 Earthquake--词汇
浙江省台州市书生中学高一上学期英语必修一学案:Unit 4 Earthquake--词汇第1页

B1U4 Earthquake 词汇导学案

1.Event P158


accident, incident, event, matter, affair P5/P273

1. During my first quarter at University of California, Riverside (UCR), I thought that I wanted to study Political Science with its focus on International __________, so that's what I applied for (申请). (2016 浙江)

2. A boy fell down while riding a shared bike and died in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Witnesses (目击者) said he and other boys were riding ofo bicycles on a steep (陡的) road, when the ___________ happened on Sunday.

3. Some 10,000 Baotou residents (居民) gathered at Baotou Olympic Center for a weekly walking and cycling ___________ on July 1, reports Baotou Daily.

4. Pictures taken of both Trump's inauguration (就职典礼) and Obama's in 2009, seem to show the crowd was much smaller for Mr Trump's ___________. So Trump has accused (指责) the media of not being truthful about the number of people that attended his inauguration.

5. Police said she had been in the hospital since the July 15 ___________.

6. Alia Baker is a librarian in Iraq. Her library used to be a meeting place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge. They discussed various (各种各样的) ___________ all over the world. (2017 浙江)

2. damage P118

3. destroy P129

4. ruin P374

◆ damage 的名词和动词都侧重"损",表示可修复,常和badly、seriously等副词搭配;

◆ destroy 侧重"毁",表示不可修复,不复存在,常和completely、entirely等副词搭配;

◆ ruin 侧重"毁坏",使美好的事物失去用途或优良特性,尽管此物仍然存在。


1) The bus was badly ______________ when it hit the wall.

2) The building was completely ______________ by fire.

3) It poured with rain and my dress got _________.

4) This illnesss has _____________ my life.

5) Ninety percent of their island was ____________ and they had nothing. (2012 山东)

6) The homeless shelter was entirely ______________ in the huge earthquake.


1) The bad weather __________________ (毁了我们的旅行).

1. Too much packaging is____________________ ________ (对......造成严重损坏) the environment. (2010 山东)

2. A number of paintings in this castle are believed to ___________________ (被毁掉) in a fire in 2009. (2011 湖北完成句子)

5. Shock P393


1. Is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase. (2009 山东)_________

2. It was such a shock when they announced the winner was Cart. ____________


1. They will get ____________ shock when they get this bill.

2. The parents were ____________ (shock) by the news that their son needed an operation on his knee. (2013 重庆)

3. The ____________ (shock) news made me realize what terrible problems we would face. (2011 北京)

6. Trap P452


a. (捕捉鸟兽的) 陷阱;夹子;罗网

b. (陷害人的) 圈套;诡计

c. 牢笼;困境