【高效联动】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修4学案设计:Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World words
【高效联动】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修4学案设计:Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World words第1页

必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World

Words and Expressions学案

Teaching Aims: Learn the new words and expressions.


Ⅰ. 核心单词

1. _______________(adj.)吓人的→________________(vt. )使害怕 gkstkgkstkgkstk]

 ________________(adj. ) 害怕的; 惊吓的; 受惊的→______________(n. )害怕gkstkgkstkgkstk]

2. __________(vi. )存在→_____________(n. )存在 3. _____________(adj. )大方的;心地高尚的

4. _____________(adj. )不可能的→________________(adj. )(反义词)可能的

5. ___________(vi. )适应; 适合→_____________(adj. )适应性强的→_______________(n. )适应

6. ______________(vi. )不见; 消失→______________(vi. )(反义词)出现

7. ________(n. )毁坏→__________(adj. )破坏性的; 毁灭性的→ __________(vt. )破坏; 消灭; 毁坏

8. ____________(vt. )象征; 暗示→________________(n. )指示; 象征

9. ______________(n. )运气; 命运; 财富→_________________(adj. )幸运的

Ⅱ. 重点短语

1. __________ ________突出; 伸出; 坚持

2. _______ _________消失; 灭绝 【联想】___ _____渐息, 渐弱______ ____(慢慢)熄灭, 平静下来

_____ ___死于......, 因......而死 ______ ____死于......, 因......而死

3. ___________ _________ __________阐明某事; 帮助弄清楚

4. _____ _______ __ ___ _____谈正题; 开门见山

【联想】 _______ ______ _____切题; 中肯 ______ ______ _____不切正题; 无关紧要


1. When he ___(袭击)me, naturally I struck back.

2. Snail is a small plant-eating _____(生物)with a soft body.

3. This species of bird now _____(存在)only in Africa.