【素养提升】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修三学案:Unit9SectionⅢLesson 4Communication Workshop & Culture Corner
【素养提升】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修三学案:Unit9SectionⅢLesson 4Communication Workshop & Culture Corner第1页

  Section Ⅲ Lesson 4,Communication Workshop & Culture Corner


  ,             [学生用书P64])





  1.____________(n.)     十字路口

  2.____________(n.) 数量

  3.____________(n.) 数字,数目

  4.____________(n.) 发动机,引擎

  5.____________(adv.) 无处,任何地方都不

  6.____________(n.) 票价,车费

  7.____________(n.) 建筑;建筑物

  8.____________(adj.) 身体的;物质的

  9.____________(vt.) 承认,供认

  10.occupy (vt.) ____________

  11.somehow (adv.) ____________

  12.frequent (adj.) ____________

  答案:1.crossroads 2.amount 3.figure 4.engine

  5.nowhere 6.fare 7.construction 8.physical 9.admit

  10.占用(空间、面积、时间等) 11.以某种方式 12.时常发生的


  1.get stuck____________ 陷入,困在

  2.be related____________ 与......有关

  3.carry____________ 继续,坚持

  4.go____________ 上升

  5.____________average 平均;通常

  6.be addicted____________ 沉溺于......的

  7.____________action 采取行动

  答案:1.in 2.to 3.on 4.up 5.on 6.to 7.take


  Ⅰ.Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.

  1.What are the A10,the M11 and the M25?

  A.Cars.          B.Roads.

  C.Stations. D.Companies.

  2.What's the main idea of the passage?

  A.Advice about how to give up using cars.

  B.Introduction of the traffic in Britain and the ways to deal with.

C.Six easy ways to improve the environment.