2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Pre reading
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit  4  Section Ⅰ  Welcome to the unit & Reading — Pre reading第1页



  Song Joong­ki, born on September 19, 1985, is a Korean actor. He first became famous because of a historical drama in 2010.

  Song Joong­ki is not only handsome but also smart and hard­working. During his high school life, Song was good at skating. And he often competed in the national games and some other important games on behalf of his hometown. Unluckily, he got badly hurt in one game and had to give up the sport. Song then turned all his attention to his studies and got the highest grades for all his subjects in his school.

  At first, Song wanted to be a businessman. But during his second year at college, he decided to be an actor. Later he started to appear in music programs, TV shows and films.

  In 2013, Song joined the army. After serving in the army for about two years, Song Joong­ki returned to us and brought us a wonderful TV play Descendants of the Sun. Have you watched it?

  We may lose a great athlete, or a successful businessman, but we get an excellent actor.


  Section_ⅠWelcome to the unit & Reading - Pre­reading



  Important film events around the world

Host:Welcome to our weekly programme, Movie Magic. Our guests today are representatives① from six of the major international film festivals. These spokeswomen and