2017-2018学年度 北师大版必修4 Unit 10 Money Lesson 1 A Material World A 教案(2)
2017-2018学年度 北师大版必修4 Unit 10 Money Lesson 1 A Material World A 教案(2)第1页

Unit 10 Lesson 1 A Material World(Period1)

Learning objectives:

1. To read the text to find out main idea and specific information;

2. To voice your opinion about money and happiness.

Learning difficult points: work out the phrases with the help of English meaning

Learning key points: Learn to use the expressions in the text to voice your opinion about money.

Learning ways and procedures:

Step 1 :lead in

Look at some pictures on ppt and think about the following questions.

1. How much do you know about a millionaire's life?

2. Do they have any worries?

3. Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?

Step 2: pre-reading

Prediction: Is he a rich man? What's his attitude towards money? Does he want to be a millionaire? Why?

Words to learn: dormitory, stove, furniture, greedy, cruel

1 Money is everything to Mr. Grandet. He is concerned about nothing but gold.

2 He wants gold so badly that he dreams up many ways of getting it.

3 He is determined to keep every penny to himself and never gives away any money. No one can change his mind.

4 He is not pleased with his life. He seldom smiles.

5 The only enjoyable thing for him is to count gold coins. Only then does he feels happy.

be concerned about A. to be worried about

dream up B. has a strong will to do

be determined to C. be satisfied with

give away D. happy and pleasant

be pleased with... E. imagine and think of

enjoyable F. give sb sth without asking for money

greedy G. not generous

step3:while- reading

Task 1 Read the text quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph.

Para1 a. The reason why he changed his life

Para2 b. Different attitudes about money

Para3 c. Enjoying the change

Para4 d. Determined to be a millionaire

Para5 e. Giving away his money

Para6 f. Living conditions

Task2 Cchoose the correct answers.

1.A lot of people want to be a millionaire, but when they achieve this goal, ________________.

A. it's not certain that they find the happiness they thought.

B. all of them continue to be concerned about money.

C. they won't be hardworking. D. all of them turn their backs on their millions.

2.Now, Charles Gray is _____________________________________.

A. a businessman who owns $ 2 million. B. a professor with $ 2 million.

C. not a millionaire any longer, but he gets more happiness than before.

D. a rich man who lives in a six-bedroom house.

3.The phrase " turned their backs on" in paragraph 2 means ___________________ according to the context.

 A. refused B. turned around C. turned back D. confused

Why did Charles Gray give up the lifestyle of a rich man?