2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修3创新教案:Unit 1 Section 3
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修3创新教案:Unit 1 Section 3第1页





原句感知 自主探究 ①It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.

②The Parthenon was built during the period.

③The fish tastes delicious.

④Not only the students but also the teacher wants to go skiing.

⑤Neither he nor you were allowed to go out at night.

⑥The students along with their teacher are going there on foot.

⑦My family lives in Cardiff. 1.句①中黑体部分是一般现在时的被动语态,其构成形式是:is/am/are+done。




5.句⑥中,当主语后带有along with时,谓语动词应与主语的单复数保持一致。

6.句⑦中,family等集合名词表示整体时,谓语动词用单数;表示个体时,谓语动词用复数。   [语法剖析]


语法点一 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态   




  He is asked to attend the party.

