2019年英语新同步浙江专用必修五讲义:Unit 5 Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading — Prereading Word版含解析
2019年英语新同步浙江专用必修五讲义:Unit 5 Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading — Prereading Word版含解析第1页





















  It is important to know how to give first aid, particularly in life­threatening 威胁生命的 situations. Examples of these are choking, excessive 过多的 bleeding, drowning, poisoning and the stopping of one's breath or heartbeat. First aid is what a person can do to a wounded or sick person, or on any immediate situation that involves 涉及 life­threatening matters, before the doctor arrives.

  The aims of first aid are: to keep the person alive. This counts for life­threatening and immediate situations; to stabilize 稳定 the condition of the person, and lastly, to relieve 减轻 any pain, discomfort and most importantly, anxiety. Ideally 理想地, a first aider is someone who has attended classes on emergency care and has undergone first aid training. But not all of us have the opportunity to receive such training because of our individual 个人的 work and activities.

Almost all of us will have to administer 实施 emergency assistance at some point. And if so, we would have to use a first