2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 3 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案
2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 3 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案第1页

  [导读] 《公正》是英国作家蒂姆·维卡里的代表作之一。下面的文章节选自小说《公正》第三章,让我们一起分享是否"Looking good,feeling good"。

  I Made Him Happy

  Alan Cole lay in his bed,listening to a bird singing in the hospital garden.It was nearly dark outside now,and very quiet.He liked to lie like this,remembering.

  He remembered the way Anna had kissed him,and looked into his eyes.He remembered her red­brown hair,her blue eyes,the soft,dry touch of her lips,her deep,happy laugh.

  On the night before the bombing,he and Anna had been out for a meal in a restaurant.Then they had gone to the mews(马厩) to look at the horses.The guards knew she was his girlfriend,so they didn't think it was unusual.One of the horses,Sandman,had hurt his leg that morning,Alan remembered.In the evening the leg had been hot,so he had put ice on it.Lucky Sandman,Alan thought-he couldn't pull the coach(马车) next day,so he was still alive now.

  He was still thinking about Anna when he drove the Queen's coach to Parliament,with the six fine horses in front of him.For a moment he thought he saw her in the crowd,watching...

  Alan didn't want to think about what had happened next.He stared into the darkness outside the hospital window and thought:why hasn't she come to see me?

  Outside,night had fallen,and the birds had stopped singing.Alan Cole lay quietly on his bed,the tears running slowly down his face.

  Jane sat on the chair in her flat and listened to the man and the woman arguing in her kitchen.She could hear,but she couldn't speak or see,because the man had put a bag over her head.Her arms and legs were still tied to the chair,and her face ached where the man had hit her.

  She tried to get her hands free.She pulled as hard as she could,but the rope just burned her wrists.All she could do was listening to the voices in the kitchen.

"We must phone him now,Kev.We can't wait."