2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 2 The United KingdomPeriod2language points学案(7页word版)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit 2 The United KingdomPeriod2language points学案(7页word版)第2页

lie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎

figure 体形,身体;数字;图形;人像,雕像

figure out 计算出;想明白

have/keep a good figure 拥有/保持好身材

be poor/good at figures 擅长/不擅长计算

4.get into (out of ) a difficult situation

5.run across /run into 偶遇,撞上

run away走掉

run away from逃避

run out用光

run out of 用光

in the long run从长远看

be on the run 忙碌

6.close get close to 接近 sit close to 坐在旁边

watch sb closely 密切观察某人

be deeply moved 深受感动

deep into the night 到深夜

be highly praised 受到高度赞扬

fly high 飞得高