
课 题 Module 7 Travel Unit 1

We're going to go to Hainan Module 7 Travel

《Unit 1 We're going to go to Hainan.》教学设计



(1)能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:children、tomorrow、from、China、swim、sea及短语: by plane、get up

(2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子We're going to go to Hainan tomorrow. I'm going to swim in the sea.


能听懂并能在图片的帮助下运用"be going to"句型讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。





重点:(1)单词children、tomorrow、from、China、swim、sea及短语by plane、get up的认读。

(2)运用 "be going to"句型描述即将做的事情。

难点:结合实际在真实的语境中运用 "be going to" 句型。





Step 1. Warming-up

1. Greetings.

T:Good afternoon,boys and girls.

S: Good afternoon,teacher.

2. Say a chant. (课件显示chant内容)

T:Let's say a chant.

Book, book, read a book

Boat, boat row a boat

TV , TV, watch TV

Letter, letter,write a letter

3. Free talk:

T:Hello! Children. Do you like travel?(你们喜欢旅游吗?)

Step 2. Presentation

1. Leading-in.

T:I'm going to travel tomorrow. There are so many beautiful places in China.(Then teach "China")

Can you guess where am I going to go? Please look at the big screen (show pictures about Hainan) Where is it?

2.T: Yes, dear children, it is Hainan. I'm going to go to Hainan tomorrow. (Then teach " tomorrow " and " children")

3. T:Now, we are going to learn Module 7 Unit l.( Then write it on the blackboard)

4. (show a picture about my grandma)

T:Look, this is my grandma, she is in Hainan . I'm going to visit her. (Then teach "visit")

5. (show a picture about a clock)

T:So I'm going to get up at five o' clock. (Then teach "get up")

6. (show a picture about a plane)

T:Can you guess how am I going to go? Yes, I'm going to go by plane. (Then teach "by plane")

7.(show pictures about swimming in the sea)

T:I'm going to swim in the sea. (Then teach "swim" and "sea".)

8. Show a picture and say: "Look, who are they? Yes, they ' are Daming and Amy. Amy is from England. Daming is from China. (Then teach" from" and" China")

9. (show CAI: all the new words): listen and follow.

10.Get the students to read the new words .

11. Read new words together.

Step 3. Text

1.课件显示Smart一家:Look! This is Smart's family. They like traveling, too. OK! Let's listen and look. Where are they going to go tomorrow? (明天他们将要去哪里?)

(1)Listen ,point and underline the new words .

(2)Listen and repeat, then answer some questions.

(3) Read the text with your partners,then try to act it out.

Step 4. Practice

1. Activity: 六人一小组, 制定旅游一份计划,完成下表:

S1: I'm going to go to .

S2: I'm going to go to .

S3: I'm going to go to .

S4: I'm going to go to .

S5: I'm going to go to .

S6: I'm going to go to .


We are going to go to .

We are going to go by .

We are going to .

Step 5. Homework




(地点) We're going to go to... (交通工具) We're going to go by... Acitivity

(活动) We're going to...

I'm going to... 〖板书设计〗

Module 7 Travel

Unit 1 We're going to go to Hainan.

I'm going to...

We're going to...
