2015-2016学年 译林版 必修三 Unit 1 the world of our senses task课件 (7)
2015-2016学年 译林版 必修三 Unit 1 the world of our senses task课件  (7)第4页

1.distance n.距离;远处;冷淡,疏远 In the distance I could hear thunder and see lightning coming.【教材P12原句】 我能听到远处雷声以及看见将要到来的闪电。 (1)What's the distance between New York City and Boston/from New York City to Boston? 纽约市离波士顿有多远? (2)The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.她话语中透出的冷淡和疏远使我感到意外。