《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionD PPT
《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionD PPT第3页

基督教的《圣经》第一章《创世纪》。 大意是: 上帝the first day 创造了天地, the second day 创造了水和空气, the third day 创造了植物, the fourth day 创造了日月, the fifth day 创造了鱼、鸟等生物, the sixth day 牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切的人。 the seventh day休息时,人类为了感谢上帝,纷纷向他朝拜。 此后人类制定历法时,seven days a week, the seventh day 休息,但必须朝拜上帝。 这就是“Sunday”的来历。
