2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit4Making the newsPeriod2Language points课件(18张)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修五Unit4Making the newsPeriod2Language points课件(18张)第3页

1.involve vt. 使卷(陷)入,拖累;使专注;必须包括,含有 eg:1)Finally he was involved in trouble. 最后他被卷入纠纷。 2)He was involved in working out his plan. 他专心一意地定计划。 3)Building this road will invovle the construction of ten bridges.建造这条路须包括建造十座桥梁。 4)This is a task which involves much difficulty. 这是一个带有许多困难的任务。 2.assist vt./vi./n.援助,帮助;搀扶 eg: 1) He did much to assist his classmate's search for the lost pen.他大力帮助他的同学搜索丢失的钢笔。 2)assist sb.with sth.=assist sb.to do sth.=assist sb.in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 3)assist sb.from the saddle 搀某人下马 4)assist sb.to his feet 扶某人站起来 5)assist in a supermarket 在一家超市帮忙