




What is your father? He is a doctor.


Who is that boy? He is my brother

3)询问相貌特征 4)询问目的

What is she like?=What does she look like? What did they come here for?

She is beautiful. To attend a meeting.

5)询问原因 6)询问天气

Why did they come here? How is the weather today?

Because they have a meeting to attend. = What is the weather like today?

7)询问颜色 8)询问尺寸

What dolor is her skirt? What size does he wear?

It's red. He wars 40.

9)询问钟点 10)询问星期

What time is it? What day is it today?

It's 7:30. It's Tuesday.

11)询问几号 12)询问年龄

What is the date today? How old is he?

It's May 2. He is 38.

13)询问多久 14)询问长度

How long have you been here? How long is the bridge?

For five months. It's 500 metres.

15)询问距离 16)询问频度

How far is it from here to the zoo? How often do you come back?xk.Com]

It's 6 kilometers. Once a week.

17)询问多快 18)询问数量

How soon will she arrive? How many jackets do you have?

In a week. How much coffee do you want?

19)询问价格 20)询问高度

How much is it? How tall is she?

How much does it cost? How high is the tower?


1.What's your favorite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?


例如:My favorite subject is English.(定语)我最喜欢的学科是英语。

The book is my favorite(表语)。这本书是我最喜欢的。