2019版英语人教版选修10课件:1.1 Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending
2019版英语人教版选修10课件:1.1 Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending第3页


一、把A栏中的单词和B栏中的英文释义相互连线搭配起来  A          B 1.strengthen  a.breathing with difficulty 2.unbearable b.on or into a ship,train,plane,bus,etc. 3.breathless c.connected with or essential to life;of great importance 4.circumstance d.to speak publicly in favour of (sth.);to recommend 5.aboard e.to become strong or stronger;to gain strength 6.urgent f.condition or fact connected with an event or action 7.vital g.to promise formally or by an oath 8.select h.too painful or unpleasant to deal with 9.swear i.very important,and needing to be dealt with quickly 10.advocate j.to choose as the best,most suitable,etc.from a group 答案:1.e 2.h 3.a 4.f 5.b 6.i 7.c 8.j 9.g 10.d