2016-2017学年人教版必修2 伴性遗传 课件(42张)
2016-2017学年人教版必修2 伴性遗传 课件(42张)第3页



I was astonished.I thought the socks were clearly grey,why did mum say cherry red? So I asked my brother and people around. All the people, except my brother and I, said those socks were cherry red. Finally, I found my brother and I had a different sense of color.I called the disease“color blindness”.I was the first person who found the disease,and I wrote a paper about “color blindness”.

It is Chrismas eve.I bought my mother a pair of “grey socks”.

-- Dalton: Mum, it is for you. -- Mum: Oh, my god ! The cherry red socks you bought me are so colorful that I could not wear them!

