《Good-bye!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
《Good-bye!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件第3页

1. At the airport

Li Ming is leaving for China. He has a surprise for Jenny and a surprise for Danny, too. Listen! “The plane for Beijing will leave soon.” “Did you hear that? It's time for me to go,” Li Ming says to Jenny and Danny. “But first, I have something for you.” “You do?” says Danny. “I love surprises. What is it?” “Open it!” says Li Ming. He gives Danny a gift. “Oh. It's a kite,” says Danny a little sadly. “Yes! It's a good Chinese kite, Danny. You can fly it! I know you can!” says Li Ming. “Thanks, Li Ming!” says Danny. “You're a good friend!” “This is for you, Jenny,” says Li Ming Jenny opens her gift. “Oh! It's a little, red dragon!”she says. “Yes. I want you to remember China,” says Li Ming. “Thanks, Li Ming! I won't forget China!”