2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North Learning about language课时作业(3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North Learning about language课时作业(3)第1页

Unit 5 Canada-The True North课时作业

learning about language

第一节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Walking is one of the easiest and most popular types of exercise. It's a safe, gentle and low­impact exercise that anyone can start at any time. It's a suitable physical activity for most people. __1__ They are race walking and power walking, which is also called as speed walking. Power walking is a recreational(消遣的) activity, while race walking is a form of sports.

  Before you start walking exercise, you should prepare yourself in order to prevent muscle pain and injuries. You should select comfortable footwear and loose­fitting, comfortable clothes. __2__Then you can increase your pace until you get fully warm from the activity. After warming up, stretch your muscles for about 5 minutes before start walking.

  __3__For example, your front foot should land close to your body. You need to walk heel to toe. Avoid walking flatfooted(拖拽的) to increase the speed. Your heel should first contact the ground. Your waist should twist as you walk. Keep your arms close to your body and swing them forward and backward. This helps to keep your efficiency.

  __4__ For example, regular walking keeps a normal blood pressure and decreases the risk of heart attack. Walking burns extra calories and body fat so it helps to keep the body weight healthy. In addition, walking is also beneficial for mental health. For example, walking significantly improves the cognitive(认知的) function.__5__

  Now that you've understood the health benefits of walking, you can start this simple exercise right from today.

  A.Walking is good for physical health.

  B.It also reduces depression and stress.

  C.You need other techniques while walking.

D.It also gives a relief from tiredness and backache.