2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North Learning about language课时作业(5)
2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North Learning about language课时作业(5)第1页

Unit 5 Canada-The True North课时作业

learning about language

第一节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  I don't think I need to tell you that reading is good for you - great for you. __1__ Sometimes, people do want to read - they've got a book at home sitting on the shelf that they fancy - but can never seem to find the time. Well, my friends, this post is for you.


  Obviously, to get yourself motivated to read, read something that interests you. Society, animals, philosophy, science, art - whatever you want. If you're drawn to the book, you'll be more willing to pick it up and read it.

  •Have a goal.

  Some people set radical (激进的) goals for themselves like reading one book a week. Obviously, you don't have to be as radical as that. __3__ It's all up to you. But setting a goal and trying to reach it gives you a focus that'll help you get the job done.


  If you're determined, use every possible moment. On the bus. On the subway. On your lunch break. When you're at the gym. You won't regret it, I promise!

  •Just start.

  Sometimes the thing preventing us from reading is our own mind. Our mind will make up all kinds of excuses not to do something. Not get out of bed. Not clean the house. Not shower. And in this case, not read. The trick to bypassing (避开) this mental block is to just pick up the book and read! __5__ Once you start reading, it's quite difficult to stop!

  A.Reading is a pleasure.

  B.Have a reading partner.

  C.Read whenever you can.

  D.Unfortunately, most people don't read.

E.Don't pour too much thought into the action. Just do it.