2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业 (3)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业 (3)第1页

Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业

第一节 完形填空

课标话题 人与社会·社会热点问题 体裁 夹叙夹议文 词  数 292 难度   Dave worked as a professional speaker. After working for a long time, Dave had to go through painful throat surgery, and his __1__ was frightening and upsetting.

  He told me his surgeon was competent and the hospital workers were __2__,_but the cold indifference of the line of nurses and doctors who came in and out of his room __3__ was one of the most __4__ experiences of his life.

  They treated Dave's disease rather than treating him as a person with a __5__,_often talking in front of him as if he were a __6__ animal who couldn't understand or wouldn't mind what they were __7__. Although they were assigned to look after him, they acted as if they didn't __8__. Their behavior was completely __9__.

  I can understand why medical practitioners keep an emotional __10__ from human suffering as a from of self­protection. And I understand __11__ confronting difficult and demanding patients as well as pain, disease, and death on a daily basis can __12__ calluses(老茧) around one's heart. But when professional distance translates to __13__,_it is a form of bad practice.

  The job of medical professionals is not __14__ to cure disease but to care for the overall well­being of patients. They do their jobs best when they help __15__ get better and help them feel better.

  What __16__ him, Dave said, wasn't the pain­killing drugs but the __17__ of a few nurses who uplifted his spirits by __18__ acts of human decency-a smile, a kind word, a compassionate expression or tone-that __19__ the message that they truly cared.

  We have to love and admire those who can bring their __20__ to their work, knowing that mental sunshine and flowers are powerful medicines.

  1.A.performance B.adventure

  C.experience D.course

  2.A.hospitable B.skilled

  C.lazy D.kind

  3.A.nervously B.slowly

  C.busily D.coldly

  4.A.miserable B.wonderful

  C.comfortable D.thrilling

  5.A.disease B.sense

  C.life D.danger

6.A.dangerous B.fierce