2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业 (2)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业 (2)第1页

Unit 4 Making the news Grammar课时作业

第一节 完形填空

课标话题 人与自我·个人生活 体裁 记叙文 词  数 300 难度   I wasn't prepared for the way I felt when my 18­year­old son, Dylan, left for Asia during his winter break.

  I was __1__ the moment he first told my husband Michael and me that he wanted to use some of his __2__ to travel around China. We were excited for him to explore the world. We told him that __3__ was one of the best ways to spend his money and the __4__ will last a lifetime.

  On the morning of Dylan's departure, he __5__ a few more things into his bag. Before he and Michael __6__ to the airport, I yelled, "Be safe, and __7__ when you arrive in Shanghai."

  That night, __8__ he was flying somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, it hit me that Dylan was really on his __9__. I woke hourly, each time __10__ the clock and counting the hours before he would land the following morning. __11__ my decision to let him go alone, I prayed, and thought about all the things that could go __12__. Then I heard from him. The first text said he'd arrived. The second text said his luggage didn't __13__ it.

  Feeling anxious, I madly attempted to __14__ down his luggage. To search for the lost baggage, I persuaded him to go back to the __15__ and suggested he go to the airline's office. My efforts __16__. All the while Dylan was texting me he was all right.

  After that, there was no more __17__ about the lost luggage. I knew that he'd figure it out, and that the life lesson would be __18__.

  Several days into the trip, Dylan sent a photo from Hong Kong. "I thought I could never study abroad anywhere but Europe. __19__ I could definitely do it here," his note read.

  And I was __20__.

  1.A.thrilled B.worried

  C.eager D.upset

  2.A.caution B.savings

  C.relations D.friends

  3.A.traveling B.learning

  C.driving D.purchasing

  4.A.costs B.virtues

  C.items D.memories

  5.A.put B.stuck

  C.reached D.knocked

6.A.took off B.saw off