2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world language points课时作业 (3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world language points课时作业 (3)第1页

Unit 2 English around the world language points课时作业



  Every year, Lucky and I enter the "Ice Sculpting(冰雕) for Kids" program in our town. Lucky enters to win. I enter to get out of peeling potatoes for our Thanksgiving dinner at home.

  The program this year took place last week as usual. Everything went along well in the morning. Lucky made a Mayflower and I made a Turkey.

  However, when we got back after lunch, something unexpected happened. The mainsail of his Mayflower was lying on the table in a puddle of water. I glanced at my Turkey I had made. It had barely begun to melt!

  "What happened?" I asked. "Did you bump the table when you left?"

  "No! I just have rotten luck," he wailed(哀叹), for the rest of the ship he had made began to melt too. "This can't be just a case of bad luck," I said, looking around for something that could have caused the destruction.

  "Something must have happened," I said. Lucky's eyes widened. "You think someone did this on purpose?"

  I shrugged. "Maybe. It makes more sense than bad luck."

  Lucky peered around the room. "Hey," he whispered. "That kid never left the room for the snack break. Maybe he smashed my Mayflower!"

  I frowned. "I don't know, Lucky. He doesn't really seem the type."

  "Haven't you heard the saying 'Looks can be deceiving'?" Lucky said, his voice rising. "He probably broke my ship while everyone was gone!"

  I stared at the ruined Mayflower and shook my head. "It doesn't look broken, though. It looks more...disintegrated(使分解). Lucky, don't jump to any--"

  "I'm telling on that kid!" Lucky interrupted. He charged off, his face as red as cranberry sauce.

"...conclusions," I said. With a sigh, I turned to the shipwreck and placed the melting