河北省邯郸市永年县一中2019届高三上学期11月09日周测英语试卷 Word版含答案
河北省邯郸市永年县一中2019届高三上学期11月09日周测英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页

Many of us would like to become closer with our moms and dads. ____16____This may take some time, especially if your relationship isn't the best but with a little patience and some of the following tips,you can become friends of your parents.

Work through past scars and negativity.

If you have childhood issues caused by your parents, you'll need to work through them ._____17______Forgiveness is an important element here,because without it the past will arise in the present day as anger and hurt . It's hard to be friends with someone when you can't get over the way things used to be.


Sometimes parents and children naturally become friends as the children get older . But other times , however , parents and children haven't had a chance to bond as adults ._____19________Or they just never approached their relationship from the standpoint of friendship>It's an adjustment that take some time , but can happen.

Have a positive friendship with your parents.

Becoming friends with your parents should be a positive experience overall. If you are unsure how to begin, start by expressing your interest in a friendship with them . Hearing you say that you desire this change in your relationship will probably make them feel good._____20________

A. It is rather difficult to liv ewith parents.

B. Perhaps they don't share the same interest.

C. Develop shared interest with your parents.

D. Children prefer to rely on themselves instead of parents.

E. As a result they'll be more willing to work toward friendship.

F. You should put the past behind so you can forgive your parents.

G. A friendship with your parents can make you appreciate them more.


A lot of students around the world have to wear uniforms every day, but dress codes are not the same in every country. 21_______

Not all children like to wear uniforms in their everyday life. When I was a school girl, I had to wear a uniform. It was a dark brown dress with a black apron. I couldn't wear anything else. All the girls in my country had to wear this uniform. 22_____

I remember how I hated to put on my uniform every morning. I couldn't even use colorful hairpins because colorful things were prohibited. All the pupils looked the same, and nobody liked that uniform.

My friends and I talked about it very often. 23_____ All we wanted was to feel comfortable and to be different from other children.