贵州省贵阳市第三十八中学2019-2020学年高三上学期模拟考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
贵州省贵阳市第三十八中学2019-2020学年高三上学期模拟考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

  Babies are free!

1.In which activity can children enjoy dancing and singing?

A.Artplay. B.Art baby.

C.Art safari. D.Kids school holiday program.

2.What information can we learn about Kids School Holiday Program?

A.The place. B.The organizer. C.The admission. D.The time.

3.If the Greens and their 4-year-old twin sons go to the Art Safari, they should pay .

A.$20. B.$22. C.$ 44. D.$ 64.

4.How is Art Baby different from the other activities?

A.It takes place in the morning.

B.It should be booked in advance.

C.It is intended for children under12.

D.It develops babies' potential through games.

  It was 1968, and my husband and I had just moved to California from Texas. We'd sold our furniture to make the move and needed to replace everything - and quickly.

  I came up with the idea of being a game show contestant. I watched every program and at last settled on ABC's Temptation.

  I said to my husband, "I'm going to be on a game show and win some prizes, maybe even a color TV!"

  He laughed and said, "While you're at it, why not win a vacation?"

  At the Palace, which was packed, my hopes began to fade when I learned that potential contestants had to set up an interview months in advance. I slid down in my seat to watch the taping, determined to leave as soon as I could.

  Between tapings, an announcer told jokes to keep the audience lively. After one part, he must have run out of jokes because he peered into the crowd and asked, "How is everybody? Anyone have any problems?"

  Seeing my chance, I jumped up and said, "Yes, I have a problem!"

  Everyone turned to stare at me. The house lights came up. I said, "I came all the way from Texas to be on this show, and I'm just not seeing how it's gonna happen."

  A man with a headset who turned out to be the director waved his hand at me. "Come on up here," he said. Taking me aside, he said I was the kind of contestant the show wanted, and he invited me back for the next taping.

  I was nervous, but I was the big winner after five rounds and was rushed to change for another taping. That time I won a total of almost $16,000 worth of goods-a large sum in 1968.

  We furnished our new house with my winnings, which did include a color TV and a vacation.

5.What inspired the author to take part in the game show?

A.The dream to become famous. B.The wish to challenge herself.

C.The desire to gain what she needs. D.The curiosity to learn about the game.

6.Why did the author want to give up the game show?

A.She wasn't good at telling jokes.