《302edu发布》安徽省濉溪县2020届高三上学期第一次月考试题 英语 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》安徽省濉溪县2020届高三上学期第一次月考试题 英语 Word版含答案第2页

A. An athlete. B. A host. C. A student.

7. What does the man hope?

A. Everyone can be healthy.

B. Everybody can live a happy life.

C. Everybody can achieve their goals

听第7段材料,回答第8. 9题。

8. When will the woman check in at the hotel?

A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Thursday.

9. Why are the prices for the two rooms different?

A. The rooms are different in size.

B. The rooms have different views.

C. The rooms are in different shapes.


10. Why was Daniel unhappy about the game?

A. Some players played poorly.

B. The judge took sides in the game.

C. Only one goal was scored altogether.

11. Who cheered for the Lions?

A. Mike. B. John. C. Daniel.

12. What did Daniel cat while watching the game?

A. Some candy. B. Some chocolate. C. Some popcorn.


13. Why does the woman want to buy a china vase?

A. To decorate her home.

B. To pert it in her office.

C. To give it to somebody as a gift.

14. Which china vase does the woman like best?

A. The blue one. B. The brown one. C. The black and white one.

15. How much does the woman pay for the china vase?

A. 180 dollars. B. 190 dollars. C. 210 dollars.