2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language grammar课时作业 (1)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language grammar课时作业 (1)第3页

 A. Respect people's feelings for historical buildings

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain why people dislike change.

B. To warn that we could end up living in caves.

C. To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.

D. To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.



1. 【答案】A

【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第一段第三句Not all historical buildings are attractive.可知作者认为并不是所有的古代建筑都是很吸引人的。故A正确。

2. 【答案】C

【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第三段第一句It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt (破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too.可知一些新的建筑会毁掉他们所在的地区,同样一些旧建筑也会毁掉他们所在的地区。故C正确。

3. 【答案】C

【试题解析】推理题。根据横线下一句If we always reproduced what was there before,we would all still be living in caves .如果我们总是重复建设以前的建筑风格,那么我们就会让人生活在洞穴里。可知I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward .中建筑师的责任就是向前发展,也就是说要开发出新的建筑风格,不走老路。故C正确。

4. 【答案】D

【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第一句Should we allow modern buildings to- be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city?可知本文是一个讨论:是否可以在历史遗迹的地方建设现代化的建筑。故D项正确。


In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area.