2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating language points课时作业(1)
2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating language points课时作业(1)第2页


【点睛】此题如果I won't disappoint you.前用连词and连接,就是考查"祈使句+and/or+陈述句。",就选B;此题也可以从非谓语动词角度考虑,逻辑主语为I,与give之间为被动关系,用过去分词given,句子也可以成立。

5.The ringing of the bell ______ the end of the class suddenly ______ their heated discussion.

A. meant, interrupted B. meant, interrupting

C. meaning, interrupting D. meaning, interrupted



【详解】考查句子分析、非谓语动词和时态。句意:意味着课结束的铃声突然打断了他们热烈的讨论。第一空The ringing of the bell与mean之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作定语;第二空为句子谓语动词,根据句意可知用一般过去时。故选D。


6.Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have _______ to eyesight protection.

A. reacted B. attended C. attached D. adapted



【详解】考查动词短语。句意:学校对眼睛保护非常重视,对此学生和家长都非常赞赏。A. reacted反映;B. attended参加;C. attached附上;D. adapted适应。本句中,主句为Both students and parents appreciate the great importance;schools have ________ to eyesight protection为定语从句,先行词为importance,关系词that在从句中作宾语,可以省略。attach importance to为固定短语,意为"重视......"。故选C。

7.Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack's,but it cost________his.

A. as much twice as B. twice as much as

C. much as twice as D. as twice much as

