七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷9
七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷9第3页

  My name is Dick.I'm a student in Class 4.I have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning.At 7:00,I go to school with my friend Li Dan.We are in the same school,but she is in Class 3.

  We have four classes in the morning.At 12:00,we have lunch at school.The two afternoon classes are from 2:00 to 4:00.We have many subjects at school.My favorite subject is science,because I can learn many useful things in science classes.I also like English.Mr.Jin is our English teacher.He is strict with us,and he asks us to speak English in and after class.But we all like him because he's nice and he likes to help us.Li Dan likes music.She can play the piano well.We like our school life.

( )1.What class is Li Dan in?

A.Class One. B.Class Two. C.Class Three. D.Class Four.

( )2.Dick has    classes in the afternoon.

A.2 B.4 C.5 D.6

( )3.Dick likes science because    .

A.the science class is interesting

B.he can learn many useful things in the science class

C.the science teacher is nice

D.he can do some experiments (实验) in the science class

( )4.The Chinese meaning (意思) of the word "strict" is "   ".

A.恶劣的 B.温顺的 C.严格的 D.耐心的

( )5.What's the best title (题目) for the passage?

A.My Favorite Subject. B.My Good Teacher.

C.Our Big Family. D.Our School Life.



1.Miss Zhang teaches us math.She is our favorite t         .

2.The fourth day of the week is W         .

3.April is the fourth m          of the year.

4.He is free now,because he f         doing his homework.

5.Sally is b        now.She has no time to play with her brother.


player boring fun subject but

6.My favorite         is science.

7.History is very         .Some children don't like it.

8.I think we have a lot of      this weekend.

9.Math is very difficult,      a lot of kids like it.

0.He is a basketball         .