【302edu发布】甘肃省天水一中2019届高三上学期一轮复习第五次质量检测(1月)英语试题 Word版含答案
【302edu发布】甘肃省天水一中2019届高三上学期一轮复习第五次质量检测(1月)英语试题 Word版含答案第5页


  If you're leading a group of people towards success,you must learn how to motivate others.Try one or more of the following ways of motivating people.

  Treat people kindly.As a leader,you need to treat others helping you with the utmost respect and kindness. 16 You might not know it,but it's a big motivation booster when people are treated right.People enjoy knowing when they're doing a good job and enjoy working with people that treat them with kindness.

   17 When people are fully responsible,they'11 be more likely to find the motivation to complete the task.This is because,as a part of a group,they may not feel like their hard work matters,but when they're responsible it certainly matters.They also know that they make a difference to the success of the project.

  Be a good listener.No one likes to feel like they don't matter.Having the final say doesn't mean that you needn't get any help with important decision making. 18 Always keep an open ear and you'11 be motivating your team to come up with good solutions and creative ideas.

  Set realistic goals.Think long and hard about how your goal setting abilities can teach you to motivate others.You don't want to set goals that are too easy.Your team might reach them quickly but they won't be pushed to become the best they can be. 19 Your team will quickly lose motivation because they'11 never get the feeling of having met their goals.

  Get to know your people.Keep lines of communication open and get to know your team by paying attention to their wants,needs,strengths and weaknesses. 20 So they'll certainly be more motivated to work hard for somebody that cares about them.

A.Offer a nice clean working environment.

B.Give people responsibility.

C.People enjoy feeling like they're making a difference.

D.People are smart and they will know when they have a leader that cares and a leader that doesn't.

E.Hand out praise when it's necessary.

F.A trustworthy neighbor also provides a safe place to run in case of a fire.

G.Meanwhile,you don't want to set goals that are impossible to achieve,either.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


"You have two ears and one mouth. Remember to listen more and speak less." That was the advice I 21 from a communications expert before, which got me thinking about listening. It's not 22 that most of us are good at. Even those of us who write for a living and are supposed to 23 how to do an interview and listen, often get it wrong and miss the rule: "Don't interrupt or try to 24 other people's sentences" and the rule: "Focus fully on the person speaking 25 focusing on your next comment."