2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural Relics reading课时作业 (6)
2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural Relics reading课时作业 (6)第2页

  1.Who called the husband in Joke 1?

  A.The organization of the horse races of a club.

  B.The horse the man chose to bet on in the races.

  C.The horse named Jenny which won the race successfully.

  D.The woman named Jenny whom the man made friends with.

  解析:选D 推理判断题。结合生活实际,马怎么可能打电话呢?说明丈夫在第一次回复妻子关于詹妮这个名字的时候撒谎了,所以这里的horse其实就是指那位和丈夫有联系的女士。

  2.What does the boss mean in Joke 2?

  A.He himself was lucky to meet the employee's dead grandmother.

  B.The employee's grandmother has come into heaven after death.

  C.He has made it out that the employee lied to him on purpose.

  D.The employee's grandmother is an honest woman.

  解析:选C 推理判断题。这则笑话中的"life after death"是指"死而复生",这当然不可能,但是这个员工以参加祖母的葬礼为由早退后其祖母恰巧来访,说明他撒谎了,他编造了一个参加祖母葬礼的借口而早退却被老板识破了。

  3.What can we learn about the little boy from Joke 3?

  A.His father doesn't like his mother­in­law to come.

  B.His father likes to make fun of his mother­in­law.

  C.He likes to play tricks on others.

  D.His mother was strict with him.

  解析:选A  推理判断题。英语中的grandmother意为"祖母;外祖母",而这个小孩在给grandmother解释爸爸的trick的时候,说如果grandmother到来,爸爸会爬上墙,说明这里的grandmother指的是外祖母,而爸爸并不欢迎自己的岳母。

  4.The husband in Joke 4 means that ________.

  A.he is thankful for his selfless and lovely wife

  B.he realizes he is unlucky to have married his wife

  C.it is fortunate to experience so many unforgettable things

  D.his wife deserves all his love because of her devotion

解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章Joke 4中叙述的一系列倒霉事情,尤其是最后一句话"I'm beginning to think you're bad luck."可知此人的意思是"我娶了一位倒霉的妻子"