2018--2019学年人教版必修一unit 1 friendship grammar课时作业 (1)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一unit 1 friendship grammar课时作业 (1)第3页

的professor是将自己的arguments建立在sufficient grounds之上,即base arguments on these grounds。 因此,代词which指代先行词grounds,作介词on的宾语。构成"介词+关系代词+to do"。

11.He recommended that a special committee________ to look into the matter.

A.were set up B.was set up

C.be set up D.set up

答案与解析:C 在句型"recommend that+主语+(should+)动词原形"中,从句要用虚拟语气;又因为committee与set up之间为被动关系,所以选择C项。

12. (2007·安徽安庆一中)A sheep ________ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than ________ on ordinary.

A. fed; one B. feeds; the one

C. fed; that D. feeding; it

答案与解析:A fed on作定语,相当于which/that is fed on;后一空中指代的是a sheep,表示泛指,所以用one代替。

13.I like________ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A.this B.that

C.it D.one

答案与解析:C it为虚意代词,它笼统地指后面提到事情,即the weather is clear and bright。

14.This year the white ducks are no longer lovely in the local's eyes,________their fear of bird flu.

A.except for B.due to

C.in case of D.instead of

答案与解析:B due to意思是"由于",表示原因。except for意为"除了";in case of意为"万一";instead of意为"代替,而不是"。

15.________is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A.It B.As

C.That D.What

答案与解析:B as引导非限制性定语从句,位于句首,指代其主句的内容。此题中标点符号很关键,若将","换成that,则选A项。


1.____________(由于科学家的艰辛工作),the number of the pandas living wild______________(已经增加到约1590只).

答案:Thanks to the scientists' hard work; has increased to about 1,590

2.Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelope at a time,_____________(只留下那些毛不那么值钱的幼崽).

答案:leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.

3.The hunted Tibetan Antelopes_____________(当场被剥下皮来)and the wool is taken to India,______________(在那里这羊毛被制成)the shawls.

答案:are skinned on the spot; where it is made into


答案:He is the only one of the boys who has learned French.

5.It is true that those who graduate from famous schools have many advantages, but they pay dearly for them.
