2018-2019学年人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural Relics grammar课时作业 (1)
2018-2019学年人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural Relics grammar课时作业 (1)第2页

答案 A [考查动词短语辨析。句意:通过和来自英国的外国人多谈话来提高你的英语口语是明智的,因为熟能生巧。make sense是明智的,是有道理的;make sure确保;make believe假装;make public公开。]

8.-Have you ________some new ideas?

-Yeah.I'll tell you later.

A.come about B.come into

C.come up with D.come out with

答案 C [come about发生;come into进入;得到;come up with想出;come out with发表,公布;说出。句意:--你想出新的主意了吗?--是的,我过会儿告诉你。]

9.The news I told you that the football match was cancelled was not announced formally but ________.

A.in other words B.word of mouth

C.in a word D.word for word

答案 B [句意:我告诉你的足球赛取消的消息不是正式宣布的而是口传的。word of mouth口口相传。]

10.Don't talk in the meeting­room,________?

A.do you B.will you

C.can you D.must you

答案 B [祈使句的反意疑问句一般用will you。]

11.________wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.

A.Anyone B.The one C.Whoever D.Who

答案 C [whoever"无论谁"在此句中引导一个主语从句,并在从句中作主语。]

12.Virtue and crime are before you;________leads you to happiness,________to misery.

A.the former;latter B.a former;a latter

C.the former;the latter D.former;latter

答案 C [the former...,the latter...意为"(两者中)前者......,后者......"。]

13.The contract says they offer a company six months' free ________if it signs a three­year lease.

A.employment B.rent C.pay D.hire

答案 B [考查名词辨析。句意:合同上说如果租赁三年,他们会免除公司六个月的租金。rent租金;employment雇用,职业;pay薪水;hire租用。]