2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement Using language课时作业 (1)
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement Using language课时作业 (1)第4页


2.B 推理判断题。开始提到鞋子是Gyuri妹妹没有合脚的鞋穿是他逃出集中营求助的原因之一,Gyuri的妹妹有了合脚的鞋后,小了的鞋就被送给了集中营里的一个比她小的孩子,而Gyuri的妹妹穿着好心人送的鞋迎来了自由,一家人走向了新生活,鞋子贯穿这个故事,因此推断作者多次提到鞋的原因是为了有助于故事的发展和文章主题的升华。故选B。

4.A 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文特别是文章最后一段可知,在积雪覆盖的寒冷的冬天,人们封闭自己,死亡比活下去更容易的情况下,这位善良的人不仅给予了奶奶一家物质上的帮助,而且给了他们希望和抚慰。就像黑暗中的亮光鼓励他们走向新的生活。因此推断这篇文章歌颂了黑暗中人性光明的一面。故选A。


话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 吃的少会使你长寿 321 ★★★☆☆ 6分钟   If you want to slow aging, you might want to eat less. This finding is good news---if you were a mouse. The researchers studied mice, not people.

  John Price and other researchers studied two groups of mice. One group was able to eat as much as it wanted. The researchers limited what the mice in the other group ate. Their diet had 35 percent fewer calories than the first group of mice.

  Price says the mice with the diet restrictions were "more energetic and suffered fewer disease." They were not just living longer but seemed to stay younger for a longer period of time.

The researchers found that fewer calories slow down a natural mechanism in cells called ribosomes. Price explains that ribosomes are responsible for making important proteins in the cells. But with fewer calories, they