2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 (4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 (4)第3页

  can happen to us all in our everyday life. One of my favourite quotes is about the half filled glass of water - "Is it half full or is it half empty?" Like the coach, the answer to this quote all depends on how you look at things.


4.Why did the writer come to see his son play basketball?

  A.Because his son would graduate from high school.

  B.Because he felt sorry for never watching his son play.

  C.Because it was a final his son played a key role in.

  D.Because he had a strong interest in basketball himself.

  解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第一句以及本段最后一句中的"... however, I was determined to get to his last game for the school term."可知,作者之所以去参加儿子的球赛是因为他儿子即将毕业,故选A。

5.What is the writer's attitude towards the coach?

  A.Negative. B.Supportive.

  C.Interested. D.Unconcerned.

  解析:选B 推理判断题。文章最后一段的最后两句提到"One of my favourite quotes is about the half filled glass of water - 'Is it half full or is it half empty?' Like the coach, the answer to this quote all depends on how you look at things."再结合"孩子们在教练的鼓舞下赢了比赛"不难推断出,作者是支持教练的,故选B。

6.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.A father should care about his son at school.

  B.Playing hard is rewarded with a close match.

  C.What a coach says has the most influence on players.

  D.Looking at things positively is important in hard times.

  解析:选D 推理判断题。根据对本文的整体理解,尤其是教练在孩子们比赛失利时的表现,以及最后一段作者的感悟,可推知在困难时,积极思考是很重要的,故选D。


  It is important to teach people about the benefits of healthy living, and about the harmful effects of poor eating habits. Teachers, parents and other relatives are the best individuals to teach children about healthy eating. No matter what age, anyone can learn better eating habits.

★Review the different types of food groups. It is important to note which foods contain vitamins and nutrients the body needs. Explain how much of each type of food the body needs. Also explain how different types of vegetables can be exchanged with fruits, and different nuts can provide appropriate amounts of protein.