江苏省海安市某学校2018-2019高二下学期第一次阶段性检测英语试卷 Word版含答案
江苏省海安市某学校2018-2019高二下学期第一次阶段性检测英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页

54. A. touched on B. split up C. filled in D. looked down

55. A. would B. might C. shall D. should

第三部分: 阅读理解(共15 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分30 分)

  请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  Day Trips from Sydney: A Short Tour of the Blue Mountain

  Here is a suggested short tour of the Blue Mountains that you can easily follow in a day from your base in Sydney. 

  From the center of Sydney, head towards Parramatta and join the M4 highway at Stratified. After you leave the highway at Lapstone, you will drive through a series of small towns. 

  Stop at Subline Point, near the town of Leura. 

  There is short, step climb down to the lookout point. You need to walk carefully, as there is just enough space for two people to pass on the uneven steps that border a very sharp drop down the mountain. 

  When you reach the lookout at Subline Point, you are rewarded for the somewhat scary walk by the most wonderful, breathtaking panoramic view of the mountain. 

  The Three Sisters at Echo Point, near the town of Katoomba. 

  Take a ride on the aerial cable car for a more close-up view of the Three Sisters and to appreciate just how steep the mountains are. You can also experience the world's steepest railway incline by taking the scenic railway. 

  Visit Katoomba Waterfall. 

  Katoomba is a good place to stop for lunch, with cafes and restaurants in its long main street.  

  On the outskirts of Katoomba, visit Katoomba Falls where a waterfall cascades down the steep, tree-covered mountain. The Katoomba Falls Kiosk is a good place to sit on a sofa and relax with a cup of coffee. 

  Outside Blackheath, head for Hargraves Lookout. 

  Hargraves Lookout is a good place to visit because there are very few tourists. There are no steep drops on the way, although there is a walk from the lower lookout point into the bush that looks very steep. 

  Once you have visited Hargraces Lookout, you could head back to Sydney. 

56. Which of the following can best describe your journey to Subline Point?   

 A. No root, no fruit    

 B. Easy come, easy go    

 C. High risk, high reward  

 D. First come, first served  

57. Which is the quietest and easiest scenic spot for visitors? 

 A. Subline Point   B. The Three Sisters   C. Katoomba Waterfall   D. Hargraves Lookout 


Vaccines are substances that help the body fight off diseases and illnesses. In the past