2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists language points课时作业 (3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists language points课时作业 (3)第2页

  答案: keep it up

  5. Our society offers us________________________________(各种各样的方法) to help us make a living.

  答案:  a variety of ways

  6.Often the old man goes out for a walk after supper_________________________(在他女儿的陪伴下).

  答案:  in the company of his daughter


  Our family has had many different pets over the years.CC (my 7­year­old grandchild) has always been very__1__to all of them as she loves animals very much.When we__2__there was a shelter in the area that was run__3__just volunteers,she couldn't wait to get__4__.This was an excellent opportunity for her to learn about and__5__many different animals.The animals in the shelter would live at the center until they were__6__.If it took months or a year for them to find a home,it didn't matter.

  CC learned that it took a lot of work and__7__to take care of the animals.It was a lot more work than she had__8__.The mop (拖把) used to clean the rooms stood 3 feet taller than her.She didn't__9__,because she learned how important it was to keep cages__10__for them.Her favorites were the cats.The dogs__11__her but she didn't shy away from doing what she could to help them.We were__12__to see such a caring side of her.

  We wanted to show CC that her volunteer work at the center was__13__nice to do.When she was too tall for her bicycle,we decided to __14__her a new one.We asked her if she wanted to get a new bike__15__we went to the shelter.The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.But her__16__was that we could always get a__17__but the animals needed to be tended to__18__.At a time when many children are considered uncaring about the world they live in,this made us__19__.Children learn from what adults take the time to__20__them.In turn,they often teach us the things in life that really matter the most.

  语篇解读 作者的小孙女对动物非常友善,经常去动物庇护所做义工。

  1.A.polite       B.kind

  C.similar D.strange

  解析: 从后面的as she loves animals very much可知CC对宠物们应该很友善。

  答案: B

  2.A.decided B.noticed

  C.concluded D.thought

解析: 从后面的she couldn't wait to...可知我们一注意到有一家动物庇护所CC就迫不急待地要采取行动。