2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 1 Living well Learning about language课时作业(8)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 1 Living well Learning about language课时作业(8)第2页

3. A. work B. write C. retire D. graduate

4. A. reminding B. teaching C. advising D. fooling

5. A. actually B. obviously C. seemingly D. partly

6. A. play B. carry C. create D. continue

7. A. astonish B. frustrate C. amuse D. admire

8. A. fortunate B. strong C. rich D. happy

9. A. most B. largest C. least D. best

10. A. helping B. refusing C. learning D. trying

11. A. turned B. seated C. edited D. digested

12. A. floor B. instrument C. desk D. paper

13. A. shining B. running C. deepening D. fading

14. A. repeating B. playing C. dreaming D. moving

15. A. music B. speed C. lead D. rule

16. A. for B. into C. at D. of

17. A. future B. university C. life D. exam

18. A. fears B. doubts C. discussions D. troubles

19. A. alone B. curious C. normal D. lazy

20. A. even B. otherwise C. therefore D. though

第二节 七选五 {共5小题;毎小题3分,满分15分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选項。选項中有两項为 多余选項。

  Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein of the California Institute of Technology, Nobel Prize winners, discovered that the human brain has two sides, and each side has different work to do. The left side of the brain controls language and number and it analyses and reasons. 1 It controls our appreciation of music and our sense of rhythm. It is also the right side of our brain which daydreams.

  Leonardo da Vinci was the great painter and sculptor. He was also an architect, a scientist and an inventor! 2 When he invented machines he used both his imaginative ability and his analytical ability.

33 Albert Einstein enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Indeed, Einstein said his