河北省正定县七中2017-2018学年高二上学期第四次月考(1月)英语试卷 Word版无答案
河北省正定县七中2017-2018学年高二上学期第四次月考(1月)英语试卷 Word版无答案第2页

 Long before they can talk children often use body language to show us how they are feeling. If they hang around their mothers quietly, it is easy to tell that they are nervous. Mothers also know that they can calm the child with a touch on the cheek or a gentle word.

It seems that we come into the world with a set of gestures already programmed into us. Everybody, regardless of country, race or religion, can look surprised, smile or cry. It also seems that we can recognize our mothers' voice even before we are born. Even a newborn baby will look in the direction of its mother's voice when she is not in sight. Feeding time also means a time when babies and mothers can get closer. The baby can watch the mother's face at the same time.

Babies are also excellent observers of facial(of the face) expressions and learn from mothers' reaction whether something is to be feared or not. This is often why first babies are more timid(胆小的) and less relaxed than their later brothers and sisters. The mother is obviously more worried with her first baby but by the time the second arrives she will have gained confidence.

Babies never want to be left out of any activity. Even small babies will cry until they can see what is going on around them. Babies learn to communicate quite early with gestures. They point to things and get rewarded when those things are given to them. They laugh during a game and are rewarded when the game is continued. They smile at strangers and are rewarded by being picked up and held in their arms. So learning the body language of the children is as important and rewarding as studying that of another culture.

5.According to the passage, what will babies most probably do if they feel nervous?

  A.Cry as loudly as they can.

B. Get near to their mothers silently.

  C. Close their eyes and shake their head.

  D.Point to things they are afraid of.

6. A baby is born to know the mother's ___________ according to Paragraph 2.

  A. language B. habit C. voice D. Gestures

7. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that ___________.

  A. Babies know which things are frightening

  B. Babies understand what their mothers are thinking about

  C. Babies will be more timid if their mothers are confident

  D. Babies are easily influenced by their mothers

8. Newborn babies communicate with their parents mainly by _____.

A. body language B. facial expressions

  C. touching on the cheek D. making noise


"High income is not as good as high age, and high age is not as good as high spirits."

Generally speaking, the rich are happier because money can buy them goods and services and it is the consumption(消费) of these materials that increases one's enjoyment of life. Especially nowadays, money seems to be one thing that drives the people around. "Human beings live for money while birds die for food."-a well-known Chinese saying is quite quotable(适宜引用的)to explain the present society. Some people try every means to make money at the cost of others' interests. These people harm others to benefit themselves. They think the more money they make, the happier they will be.

In addition to money, people's happiness was affected by other factors. High age is what many Chinese are dreaming of. Longevity is the very term that people often use to pray for their dears